How to turn an Android smartphone into a desktop PC

Smartphones are more capable than ever before, and are evolving into a single device which can be used for almost all tasks. Some activities are still easier to complete using a desktop, though, due to the larger screen size and stand-alone peripherals. Samsung recently unveiled its DeX docking station, which allows Galaxy S8 owners to turn their [...]

By |2017-04-17T13:47:38+00:00April 17th, 2017|Electronics, Gadgets, Latest News, Security|Comments Off on How to turn an Android smartphone into a desktop PC

Google’s Fuchsia operating system runs on virtually anything

Google is no stranger to creating whole platforms when it needs them, but its latest project might be something special. It's working on Fuchsia, an open source operating system that's designed to scale all the way fromInternet of Things devices through to phones and even PCs. Its kernel includes 'grown up' OS features like user [...]

By |2016-08-16T15:40:31+00:00August 16th, 2016|Internet, Latest News|Comments Off on Google’s Fuchsia operating system runs on virtually anything
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