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How to fix PSN 80710092 error
One of the most common PSN error codes that we still keep getting asked about is 80710092, which relates to PS3 consoles.
So, rather than you having to email us, we thought we’d provide you with information that can help fix it.
Before you attempt a fix you should always check to see if the PlayStation Network is online.
– Is PSN online (US)
– Is PSN online (EU)
If it’s offline, then there’s your answer. If it isn’t then try rebooting your console.
If it still doesn’t work, make sure your internet connection is working by:
– Via XMB >Network > Internet Browser
– Type in the name of any website. Can you access it?
If not, then there’s something up with your internet connection, so you should check with your provider.
If you can connect, then try this…
– Go to Settings > Network Settings > Media Server Connection
– Is Media Server Connection enabled? If so, DISABLE it.
Can you connect now?
If not, go back to Settings > Network Settings > Internet Connection Settings
– Select Custom Setting
– Scroll through to IP Address setting and select Manual
Make sure you have these settings. (Make a note of your previous settings in case you need to revert back).
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
Don’t save the settings yet. Go back through the Internet Connection Settings with left d-pad until you reach IP Address Setting. Click on Automatic > Do not set > Manual . Double-check that it shows those Primary and Secondary DNS numbers. Scroll through to the right and save your settings.
Try now!
If this doesn’t work, then there’s either a) something up with your Internet Connection, or b) Sony is carrying out maintenance. Try again later.